Welcome friends! OM Shanti!

People come together in all kinds of ways, what matters is that they get together.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday at Noon ~ Level One Yoga ~ Starseed Yoga in Montclair

1-30-11 Warriors of Light

"What is a warrior of light?  Warriors of light keep the spark in their eyes.  They are in the world, are part of other people's lives, and begin their journey without a rucksack and sandals.  They are often cowards.  They don't always act right.  Warriors of light suffer over useless things, have some petty attitudes, and at times feel they are incapable of growing.  They frequently believe they are unworthy of any blessing or miracle.  Warriors of light are not always sure what they are doing here.  Often they stay up all night thinking that their lives have no meaning.  Every warrior of light has felt the fear of joining in the battle.  Every warrior of light has once lost faith in the future.  Every warrior of light has once trodden a path that was not his/hers.  Every warrior of light has once felt that he/she was not a warrior of light.  Every warrior of light has once failed in his/her spiritual obligations.  That is what makes them warriors of light; because they have been through all this and have not lost the hope of becoming better.  That is why they are warriors of light.  Because they make mistakes.  Because they wonder.  Because they look for a reason - and they will certainly find one."
 - Paulo Coehlo

We are all warriors of light.  We are all warriors of darkness too.  It is up to us to choose whether we live in light or darkness.  It is possible for everyone to tap into this light and become a warrior of light. 
Class began in Savasana (corpse pose) with reading, breath awareness and the sound of the heart chakra singing bowl.  Let the breath breathe you.  Tune into the natural flow and rhythm of your breath.   Begin to feel warm golden light coming from your heart.  With each inhale allow this light to grow within you, nurturing your entire being, spreading light where there is darkness.  Inhale fresh air, new prana, and revitalizing oxygen.  Exhale stale air, old prana, and spent oxygen.  Inhale light, exhale darkness.  Sit up in Sukhasana (easy seat) for 3 OM's and one round of
Lokaah Samastaah Sukhino Bhavantu
Lie on your back again coming into Apanasana (knees to chest pose), Anandabalasana (happy baby pose), Eka Pada Apanasana (one knee to chest pose) - extend through the heel !!! Sucirandhrasana (ankle to knee pose), Eka Padangusthasana (one leg extended pose) with belt - exhale open right, inhale center, exhale open left.  Leg lifts!  single leg both sides 3x in 2 stages - a) high as possible, b) pull towards you; double leg lifts 10x.  Table, cat/cow, Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog), plank, Balasana (child's pose), table, dog, lunge 2x each side, Virabhadrasana II (warrior II) - reverse vira, Adho Mukha Svanasana.  Vira Sequence:  II - I - III - I - II. [extend through the heel for balance] Balasana, Uttanasana (standing forward bend), Tadasana (mountain pose) with harness to remind us chest skin up - shoulder skin down, Vrksasana (tree pose), Dandasana (staff pose) > Paschimottanasana 2x - once with the belt, once without - remember to extend through the heel, navel to spine and relax the shoulders. Apanasana, Jathara Parvrittanasana (reclined twist), Savasana with guided relaxation.  Played the heart chakra (green - F) crystal singing bowl coming out of Savasana and repeated beginning reading.

"What is a warrior of light? Warriors of light keep the spark in their eyes. They are in the world, are part of other people's lives, and begin their journey without a rucksack and sandals. They are often cowards. They don't always act right. Warriors of light suffer over useless things, have some petty attitudes, and at times feel they are incapable of growing. They frequently believe they are unworthy of any blessing or miracle. Warriors of light are not always sure what they are doing here. Often they stay up all night thinking that their lives have no meaning. Every warrior of light has felt the fear of joining in the battle. Every warrior of light has once lost faith in the future. Every warrior of light has once trodden a path that was not his/hers. Every warrior of light has once felt that he/she was not a warrior of light. Every warrior of light has once failed in his/her spiritual obligations. That is what makes them warriors of light; because they have been through all this and have not lost the hope of becoming better. That is why they are warriors of light. Because they make mistakes. Because they wonder. Because they look for a reason - and they will certainly find one."
- Paulo Coehlo

Ending peace chants:  Asato Maa Sat Gamaya Tamaso Maa Jytoir Gamaya Mritor Maa Amritam Gamaya
Lead us from unreal to real, Lead us from darkness to the light.  Lead us from the fear of death, to the knowledge of immortality. 
OM Shant, Shanti, Shanti!
Lokaah Samastaah Sukhino Bhavantu - May all beings be filled with Peace and Joy, Love and Light.

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