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People come together in all kinds of ways, what matters is that they get together.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday at Noon ~ Level One Yoga ~ Starseed Yoga in Montclair

3.6.2011 - Ahimsa.

Ahimsa is the first yama in the first of eight limbs of Yoga.  The yamas are our travelling companions, acting as light that we carry to shine on a certain situation. Yama means abstinence, as in to abstain or refrain from acting in a certain way. Ahimsa = Harmlessness, Non-violence.  Non-violence is supreme of all the yamas, never to violated.  It is applied to human beings, animals, and so-called inanimate objects.  Apply love to your thoughts, words and deeds, to your intentions, actions and motivations.  Simply put, Do No Harm.  Listen more, say less.

Patanjali Yoga Sutra 2.35
In the presence of one firmly established in nonviolence, all hostilities cease.

"Over time, compassion gives birth to a love and understanding so pure that it lifts the mind to a place of peace beyond any tranquility we had imagined.  Then, in a process similar to osmosis, the powerful healing energy of love and understanding flows from an area of greater to lesser concentration.  The calming influence of selfless love is a powerful and palpable natural emanation flowing from the hearts of those perfected in nonviolence to the hearts of others.  Fear and discord vanish in their presence."
- Sri Guruji Reverend Jaganath Carrera, Inside the Yoga Sutras  p. 145

Reading and breath awareness in Viparita Karani (legs up the wall).  After five minutes of stillness, add movement to the feet.  Inahle, flex heels up the wall.  Exhale, point toes.  Continue several rounds connecting the movement to your breath, as we slowly begin to add movement to the body. Students then sat up on a bolster for 3 OM's and Hari OM call/response chant.  Sit and observe the mind, feel the effects of the chanting and focusing of the mind. 

Nadi Suddhi Pranayama - alternate nostril breathing.

Table, cat/cow, table balance, Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog) first, peddle the legs as if riding a bicycle, then, come to stillness as you lift the hips up and press the heels down.  Vinyasa (moving with the breath) of Balasana (child's pose), table, and Adho Mukha Svanasana.  Uttanasana (standing forward bend), Tadasana (mountain pose). Surya Namasakara (sun salutations): Tadasana, Urdhva Hastasana (upward facing palms pose), Uttanasana, Ardha Uttanasana (half forward bend), lunge, Adho Mukha Svanasana, plank, Ashtangasana (eight pointed pose), Bhujangasana (cobra), Adho Mukha Svanasana, Uttanasana, Urdhva Hastasana, Tadasana ending with hands pressing together at the heart in Anjali mudra (anjali=offering) 4x!!  Finish the four rounds, close eyes and feel the prana, the energy, the heat circulating through the  body.  Breathe.  Virabhadrasana II (warrior II) > Trikonasana (triangle pose), both sides.  Virabhadrasana II > reverse warrior > Parsvakonasana (intense side angle pose) Vinyasa between these poses, keeping the legs strong, steady, and firmly placed only moving the upper body like a windmill.  Balasana.  Rest, breathing deeply into your back body, especially the kidney area.  Sit back on your heels and slide your feet away, come to lie on your back now with the knees bent.  Pelvic tilts: exhale tailbone down and create small arch in the lower back, inhale lift tailbone as lower back comes to the floor.  Apanasana (knees into chest- yoga hug), Vatayanasana (single knee to chest- single wind relieving pose), Vinyasa:  exhale left knee to chest, inhale, exhale lift head and chest, inhale release, exhale right knee to chest, inhale, exhale lift head and chest, inhale release, repeat.  Leg lifts:  inhale press legs together and extend through the heel, exhale lift both legs.  Inhale release, exhale lift - keep legs straight and keep pressing through the heels to protect lower back.  Reclined twists a) Allowing both knees to come to the ground - lift hips and place five inches to right, inhale knees to chest, exhale drop both knees over to the left; straighten out hips and repeat on other side, lift hips and place five inches to the left now, inhale knees to chest, exhale drop both knees over to the right; b) Allowing both knees to hover off the ground about two inches - keep hips level and just move the bent knees together, exhale lower to one side, inhale lift to center. Savasana (corpse pose -final relaxation pose) with guided relaxation.  Played the Manipura (solar plexus) Chakra crystal singing bowl coming out of Savasana. 

"Over time, compassion gives birth to a love and understanding so pure that it lifts the mind to a place of peace beyond any tranquility we had imagined. Then, in a process similar to osmosis, the powerful healing energy of love and understanding flows from an area of greater to lesser concentration. The calming influence of selfless love is a powerful and palpable natural emanation flowing from the hearts of those perfected in nonviolence to the hearts of others. Fear and discord vanish in their presence."
- Sri Guruji Reverend Jaganath Carrera, Inside the Yoga Sutras p. 145

Sit up, close your eyes and feel the effects of today's yoga.  Feel the natural curve of the spine as you sit with the spine erect for a short meditation on loving-kindess.  Call/response each line a few times and then silently repeat inside yourself as I continue repeating the following...

May I be filled with loving-kindness.
May I be well.
May I be peaceful and at ease.
May I be happy.

Ending peace chants:  Asato Maa Sad Gamaya Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya Mrityor Maa Amritam Gamaya - Lead us from unreal to Real, lead us from darkness to the Light.  Lead us from the fear of death to the knowledge of Immortality.  OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti!  Lokaah Samastaah Sukhino Bhavantu - May the entire universe be filled with Peace and Joy, Love and Light.  Namaste.

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