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People come together in all kinds of ways, what matters is that they get together.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Spring Yoga Hike 2011 #3

5.7.11 Tourne Park, Boonton Township, NJ
                                                              April, Nandan, and Diana

This week's yoga hike took place at the Tourne Park in Boonton Township, a place I have visited frequently while living in Parsippany in 2004.  The hike began with the wildflower trail where we spotted wild iris, viola and many native ferns along with various other plants.  We then made our way to the summit taking the Decamp Trail, which winds its way up and around the mountain.  Once we made it to the top we took some time to reflect on the beauty of the mountains in the area.  After hiking back to the parking lot, we decided that we wanted a little more adventure, so we continued to explore in the swamp area.  The Tourne Park is filled with beautiful nature and exciting trails.  After our two hour hike, we took a quick break before meeting on the grass for an hour of yoga.  See the link for a full trail map.

"The ego is the feeling of seperateness.  It obscures the truth of the unlimited Self within.  You don't need to destroy the ego, just clean it well.  Then, like a good mirror, it will fully reflect the light within.  That is what is called enlightenment.  The main way we clean the mirror is by leading a dedicated life."
- Sri Guruji Reverend Jaganath Carrera

Sequence:  Reading and centering in Sukhasana (easy seat), Urdhva Hastasana (upward facing palms pose), Baddhangulyiasana (bound hands pose), Gomukasana (cow face) prep, table, cat/cow, Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog), Balasana (child's pose), lunge, Uttanasana (standing forward bend), Surya Namaskara (sun salutations), Virabhadrasana II (warrior II), Trikonasana (triangle pose), Prasarita Padottanasana (wide legged forward bend), Dandasana (staff pose), Paschimottanasana (west back stretch), Apanasana (yoga hug - knees into chest), Savasana (corpse pose) with guided relaxation.

"The ego is the feeling of seperateness. It obscures the truth of the unlimited Self within. You don't need to destroy the ego, just clean it well. Then, like a good mirror, it will fully reflect the light within. That is what is called enlightenment. The main way we clean the mirror is by leading a dedicated life."
- Sri Guruji Reverend Jaganath Carrera

Ending Peace Chants
Asaato Maa Sad Gamaya Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya Mrityor Maa Amritam Gamaya
Lead us from unreal to Real.  Lead us from darkness to the Light.  Lead us from the fear of death to the knowledge of Immortality.
Lokaah Samastaah Sukhino Bhavantu
May the entire universe be filled with Peace and Joy, Love and Light

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